Wednesday 18 January 2012

On the 10th of january 2012 we (Antonia, Ellen and I) began work on creating our own Film Noir film. We first brainstormed ideas, concepts, visual styles and plots that we wanted to include, and quickly came to an agreement that we wanted the plot to be about a detective investigating a drug deal. The inspiration for this idea came from the Neo-Noir film 'Brick' - a detective film set in an american high school in which a young man investigates a drug deal gone wrong that ends up killing one of the students at the school.

After agreeing on the basic storyline, we decided that we wanted to do the movie in black and white in order to achieve a more authentic atmosphere for the film as the original film noir movies were all shot in black and white. We felt that the conventional high-contrast lighting used in film noir movies would be more visually appealing if shot in black and white.

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