Sunday 4 March 2012

Script: Scene 6

Scene 6:
(Setting: Bobby’s house. Bobby just been shot. Confession that it was femme fatale who devised the drug deal)
Bobby: [In agony on the floor] It wasn’t me!
Detective Carter: Cut the bullshit, Bobby
Bobby: I’m telling ya, detective, it wasn’t me. I swear to god
Detective Carter: Swear to me! [Punches bobby]. If it wasn’t you who was it, huh?
[Detective punches him again. No response/confession from Bobby. Detective turns to leave, about to walk out the door]
Bobby: Wait… [Detective pauses then turns. Paces slowly, menacingly towards him. Bobby gets up, hunched over desk, struggling for breath]
Carter: Who was it? [No reply] Bobby, who was it?!
Bobby: [Reluctantly] Bonnie. [Detective pauses in shock] I couldn’t tell you before but-
Carter: What? What do you mean?
Bobby: She’s been playing you like a fool and me as well apparently! Right now your so called beloved is dealing 100 grands worth of smack, she got us both right where she wanted. Out of the way!
Carter: No no wait, that can’t be right!
Bobby: sorry detective but little miss bonnie is probably out with hundred grand right now, and you won’t ever see her again. Trust is a powerful thing isn’t it.
Carter: Chester get him to hospital, I’ve gotta get after that bitch!
(runs out)

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